Ebtekar Pathren

Project Details

  • Project - Stadio
Stadio ستاديو

Stay in the know, never miss a match, and dive into the world of football like never before with the Stadio app at your fingertips.

Service Overview

The Stadio application is a specialized application for me to follow the schedules of today’s matches, leagues, and the latest international and local football news.


1. football news: local & global.

2. Matches: yesterday matches, tomorrow matches, today matches.

3. Live results.

4. championships.

    To subscribe:
  • correct

    Download the application.

  • correct

    Enter your mobile number to receive a verification code message.

  • correct

    Enter the verification code to confirm the subscription.

  • correct

    To unsubscribe from the service, send 0 to the service number (18100).

  • correct

    To unsubscribe from the service, send 0 to the service number (18100).

  • correct

    A day for free, then 0.500 dinars per 3 days(For Libyan subscribers).

  • correct

    3 days for free, then 1.000 dinars per week(For Libyan and Almadar Aljadid subscribers).

  • Launch Date


  • Category

    Website - App

Project Process
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Creating relationships, and developing and implementing strategies that increase institutional competitiveness.

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Synchronization with the marketing objectives as the vision and mission of the organization.

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We strive to bring the best to each project with creative design and innovative thinking. We are energetic and passionate about our work.

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we can improve customer experiences, bring more innovative, feature-rich products to market faster, and make operations more efficient, safe and productive.